System Installation

P1000976With the integration of our unique systems we will control the proper application of water to protect your crop without the need to visit the site while monitoring the air, soil and plant temperatures, soil moisture and water table level remotely, insuring the correct amount of protection is applied without wasting water and energy.

  • Protect your cash crop
  • Maximize yield/acre
  • Decrease the use of natural resources (water and fuel)
  • Extend the life of your mechanical systems (engines/motors, pumps, valves, piping & sprinkler heads)
  • Enable you to log mechanical system operation and produce required reports
  • Decrease your Carbon Footprint
  • Decrease the time spent manually controlling your irrigation system and overhead costs
  • Create the most sustainable growing environment possible

Our Advanced Autostart systems will be installed at your site by our trained installers.  Our technicians are factory trained to install the engine sensors and will work with you to program the proper set points for the engine controllers as dictated by you.  Licensed electricians are required to install electric driven pump systems which can be arranged through our service department or our local iRep.  Permits may be required depending on your local ordinances and are not included in our standard installation quote.

See Maintenance Page for standard and as needed maintenance requirements.

Data Plans:
Data Plans are required for any systems utilizing the IAS HarvestWatch software.  The annual plans include automatic online upgrades, phone support with online documentation and operational videos.  Optional modules are available depending on system specifics please contact your IAS sales team or your local iRep for details.